Contains:  Solar system body or event
Sonnenflecke / Sun Spots - 20220514, firstLight

Sonnenflecke / Sun Spots - 20220514

Sonnenflecke / Sun Spots - 20220514, firstLight

Sonnenflecke / Sun Spots - 20220514



Acquisition details



Sonnenflecke / Sun Spots - 20220514

> please compare with today's NASA image as a reference

After a while with no sunspots visible in reach of my tiny F=420 mm photo lens, at least some smaller ones – and quite a lot of them! – are visible these days. Because the seeing was predicted to being quite good and despite numerous rushing clouds here, over the Alps, I gave it a try before noon around 11:00 h CEST (09:00 h UTC).

Luckily, I only need a small cloud hole to take some 120 single shots in sequence within 1 or 2 minutes, because the sun is so bright.

Look around carefully, there are some very small spots visible, also. I am particularly happy that the hot active regions themselves came out quite nice, also.



Sonnenflecke / Sun Spots - 20220514, firstLight

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